Round 3 Novice Kirwan League
Here are the full set of results and the League Table at the end of Round 3

Louise McKenna’s Vernon 1 team are still out in front despite losing to Lar Stefansson’s Raheny
team. This lifted Raheny off the bottom and with a game in hand they are certainly back in the
running for the overall title. (By the way Louise, Fionnuala Burke, Caroline Mahon and Joan
Butler played in the DNR Intermediate Regional Teams at the weekend, while the remainder of
their team Catriona Fitzgerald and Marguerite joined Shelanne Purcell and Maxi Goodwin in
another team. Both teams gave the Inter A teams a good run for their money. Catriona’s team
ended up as the leading Inter B team and will represent the DNR in the All Ireland Teams in
Deirdre King’s Glasnevin team leapfrogged Malahide into 2nd place after their win over the
other Vernon team who now languish at the bottom of the league.
The last match of the round was a very tight affair between Clontarf and Donabate, with Clontarf
retaining 4th place after pulling ahead in the second session.
The 4th round games are as follows and must be complete by Friday 14th February

We will have a DNR facilitated session on Wednesday 12th January at 19.00 in Donabate
Bridge Club, if any of you would like to avail of this.
See you all soon.
Here are the full set of results and the League Table at the end of Round 3

Louise McKenna’s Vernon 1 team are still out in front despite losing to Lar Stefansson’s Raheny
team. This lifted Raheny off the bottom and with a game in hand they are certainly back in the
running for the overall title. (By the way Louise, Fionnuala Burke, Caroline Mahon and Joan
Butler played in the DNR Intermediate Regional Teams at the weekend, while the remainder of
their team Catriona Fitzgerald and Marguerite joined Shelanne Purcell and Maxi Goodwin in
another team. Both teams gave the Inter A teams a good run for their money. Catriona’s team
ended up as the leading Inter B team and will represent the DNR in the All Ireland Teams in
Deirdre King’s Glasnevin team leapfrogged Malahide into 2nd place after their win over the
other Vernon team who now languish at the bottom of the league.
The last match of the round was a very tight affair between Clontarf and Donabate, with Clontarf
retaining 4th place after pulling ahead in the second session.
The 4th round games are as follows and must be complete by Friday 14th February

We will have a DNR facilitated session on Wednesday 12th January at 19.00 in Donabate
Bridge Club, if any of you would like to avail of this.
See you all soon.