Round 2 Novice Kirwan League
Well the New Year has begun. Two rounds done and five to go. Six Novice Teams turned up in
St Paul’s, Raheny on 19th December for the DNR Facilitated Game and we duly completed the
three 20 Board matches. (nearly - We didn’t have time to complete Board 5 on Table 2 in the
Glasnevin/Raheny match as we had to be finished by 22.00)
Here are the results and the league positions.

The hand details are set out below. It was possible to make a small slam on two of the boards.
On Board 1, both 6D and 6NT were on for E/W, but were difficult to find, especially if N opened
the bidding with a weak 2H. And even if you did get there, the contract wasn’t necessarily easy
to make. Louise McKenna and Fionnuala Burke from Vernon were the only pair to get to 6D, but
unfortunately for them, they went down 1. This still didn’t stop them from winning their match
against Clontarf though and staying on top of the league.
On Board 11, 6C, 6H and 6NT were on for N/S. Both hands had 15 HCP’s, but North is even
stronger with 7 hearts and 2 singletons. Louise Maher and Deirdre King from Glasnevin were
the only pair to get to 6H and again were unfortunate to go down 1 but they also went on to win
their match against Raheny, moving them up to 3rd place. In the Donabate/Malahide match both
N/S pairs (Leo Breslin and Margaret O’Brien from Donabate and Kathy Murphy and Eilish
Timoney from Malahide) bid 4H and made 4H+2. While this board might have been a draw,
Malahide went on to win the match and retain 2nd place in the league.
The next facilitated set of matches is on Thursday the 16th Jan in St Paul’s again with the
following match ups:

Well the New Year has begun. Two rounds done and five to go. Six Novice Teams turned up in
St Paul’s, Raheny on 19th December for the DNR Facilitated Game and we duly completed the
three 20 Board matches. (nearly - We didn’t have time to complete Board 5 on Table 2 in the
Glasnevin/Raheny match as we had to be finished by 22.00)
Here are the results and the league positions.

The hand details are set out below. It was possible to make a small slam on two of the boards.
On Board 1, both 6D and 6NT were on for E/W, but were difficult to find, especially if N opened
the bidding with a weak 2H. And even if you did get there, the contract wasn’t necessarily easy
to make. Louise McKenna and Fionnuala Burke from Vernon were the only pair to get to 6D, but
unfortunately for them, they went down 1. This still didn’t stop them from winning their match
against Clontarf though and staying on top of the league.
On Board 11, 6C, 6H and 6NT were on for N/S. Both hands had 15 HCP’s, but North is even
stronger with 7 hearts and 2 singletons. Louise Maher and Deirdre King from Glasnevin were
the only pair to get to 6H and again were unfortunate to go down 1 but they also went on to win
their match against Raheny, moving them up to 3rd place. In the Donabate/Malahide match both
N/S pairs (Leo Breslin and Margaret O’Brien from Donabate and Kathy Murphy and Eilish
Timoney from Malahide) bid 4H and made 4H+2. While this board might have been a draw,
Malahide went on to win the match and retain 2nd place in the league.
The next facilitated set of matches is on Thursday the 16th Jan in St Paul’s again with the
following match ups: