Novice Kirwan League after 3rd Round
Unfortunately we were unable to play the Round 3 matches on the scheduled date of 23rd February as both Raheny and Malahide were unable to field teams due to illness (It was the time of year for colds and flu). This meant that the St Gabriel’s vs Raheny and Donabate vs Malahide matches had to be rescheduled and instead St Gabriel’s played Donabate which had previously been slotted to be played on 18th April in round 5. St Gabriels came out on top by 18.12 to 1.88 VP’s.
On March 14th we played the other round 5 match - Malahide vs Clontarf which was hosted in Malahide’s magnificent bridge centre. This was a much tighter affair with Malahide eventually winning by 2 IMPS to give them a 10.5 to 9.5 Victory Point win. We used the new score sheets to record the board results. You can download these from the DNR site along with instructions on how to set up and score a match anytime that you wish to use them.
The Table 1 and Table 2 results are set out below. In Session 1 Clontarf came out on top by 16 IMP’s to 6. In Session 2, Malahide clawed back the deficit and won by 23 IMP’s to 11. It all hinged on boards 15 and 16 where Gay Connolly and Christine Roche from Malahide bid and made games which were not matched on the Clontarf side.

This highlights how important it is to bid and make games when the points are there. Copies of the 2 boards are set out below:
On Board 15, N/S can make 6 Clubs or 6 Spades or 5 Hearts

On Board 16, the optimum contract for N/S is 4 Spades

Here are the results for Round 3 and the current League Table.

The schedule for the final two rounds is: Friday 5th April in St Gabriel’s St Gabriels vs Raheny
The date and venue for the Donabate vs Malahide is to be confirmed by the teams
Thursday 18th April in St Pauls Raheny vs Malahide
Donabate vs Clontarf The next report will be after all matches are completed
Unfortunately we were unable to play the Round 3 matches on the scheduled date of 23rd February as both Raheny and Malahide were unable to field teams due to illness (It was the time of year for colds and flu). This meant that the St Gabriel’s vs Raheny and Donabate vs Malahide matches had to be rescheduled and instead St Gabriel’s played Donabate which had previously been slotted to be played on 18th April in round 5. St Gabriels came out on top by 18.12 to 1.88 VP’s.
On March 14th we played the other round 5 match - Malahide vs Clontarf which was hosted in Malahide’s magnificent bridge centre. This was a much tighter affair with Malahide eventually winning by 2 IMPS to give them a 10.5 to 9.5 Victory Point win. We used the new score sheets to record the board results. You can download these from the DNR site along with instructions on how to set up and score a match anytime that you wish to use them.
The Table 1 and Table 2 results are set out below. In Session 1 Clontarf came out on top by 16 IMP’s to 6. In Session 2, Malahide clawed back the deficit and won by 23 IMP’s to 11. It all hinged on boards 15 and 16 where Gay Connolly and Christine Roche from Malahide bid and made games which were not matched on the Clontarf side.

This highlights how important it is to bid and make games when the points are there. Copies of the 2 boards are set out below:
On Board 15, N/S can make 6 Clubs or 6 Spades or 5 Hearts

On Board 16, the optimum contract for N/S is 4 Spades

Here are the results for Round 3 and the current League Table.

The schedule for the final two rounds is: Friday 5th April in St Gabriel’s St Gabriels vs Raheny
The date and venue for the Donabate vs Malahide is to be confirmed by the teams
Thursday 18th April in St Pauls Raheny vs Malahide
Donabate vs Clontarf The next report will be after all matches are completed