Round 2 Inter B Kirwan League
Well that is Round 2 all done and dusted and all before Xmas even. Thank you for keeping to
the schedule. Here are the full set of results and the League T able at the end of Round 2

A lot of our clubs must be out of their premises by 22.00. This puts a lot of pressure on the
teams to complete 24 boards. If you feel more comfortable playing 20 boards and both captains
agree to the arrangement then this is not a problem. It also means that you may not have time
for a cup of tea and a chat which was always a feature of the Kirwan League.
The St Anthony’s/St Gabriel’s match fell foul of this time issue and they only managed to get 22
boards completed before the dreaded minder of the building swooped down upon them to
remove them. This didn’t stop St Anthony’s who still came out on top, moving them up to 2nd
place in the league.
Glasnevin maintained the top position with a 2nd win of the league, this time over Donabate,
who were playing their 1st match after a bye in the 1st round.
The last match of the round was between Clontarf and Malahide and was played on Thursday in
the DNR facilitated session. Clontarf were 20 IMP’s to the good after the 1st session, but
Malahide made a great comeback in the 2nd session to win the overall match and move up to
3rd place in the league.
The 3rd round games are as follows and must be complete by Friday 17th January

We will have a DNR facilitated session on Thursday 16th January, if any of you would like to
avail of this. If you are hosting a match, please make sure that you are familiar with the “Kirwan
League T eam of 4 Instructions - Face to Face Matches” document.
Have a lovely Xmas and we will see you in the new year
Well that is Round 2 all done and dusted and all before Xmas even. Thank you for keeping to
the schedule. Here are the full set of results and the League T able at the end of Round 2

A lot of our clubs must be out of their premises by 22.00. This puts a lot of pressure on the
teams to complete 24 boards. If you feel more comfortable playing 20 boards and both captains
agree to the arrangement then this is not a problem. It also means that you may not have time
for a cup of tea and a chat which was always a feature of the Kirwan League.
The St Anthony’s/St Gabriel’s match fell foul of this time issue and they only managed to get 22
boards completed before the dreaded minder of the building swooped down upon them to
remove them. This didn’t stop St Anthony’s who still came out on top, moving them up to 2nd
place in the league.
Glasnevin maintained the top position with a 2nd win of the league, this time over Donabate,
who were playing their 1st match after a bye in the 1st round.
The last match of the round was between Clontarf and Malahide and was played on Thursday in
the DNR facilitated session. Clontarf were 20 IMP’s to the good after the 1st session, but
Malahide made a great comeback in the 2nd session to win the overall match and move up to
3rd place in the league.
The 3rd round games are as follows and must be complete by Friday 17th January

We will have a DNR facilitated session on Thursday 16th January, if any of you would like to
avail of this. If you are hosting a match, please make sure that you are familiar with the “Kirwan
League T eam of 4 Instructions - Face to Face Matches” document.
Have a lovely Xmas and we will see you in the new year