
Constitution of the

Constitution of the Dublin North Region of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland



The following Constitution and Rules for the Dublin North Region of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland are hereby adopted by Annual General Meeting held this 7th day of June 2013 . The following constitution and rules for the Dublin North Region of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland are in every way subject to the Constitution and Rules of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland  and in the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between them the said Constitution and Rules of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland shall prevail.


1. The Dublin North Region (hereinafter referred to as the D.N.R.) is a geographical area as set out by the Governing Council of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (hereinafter referred to as the C.B.A.I.)


2. Any Person who

(i) Is a member of any club which is affiliated to the C.B.A.I. and which is situated in the D.N.R. as defined AND 
(ii) Has paid his/her current affiliation fee to the C.B.A.I. through any club which is situated in the D.N.R. as defined.

shall be a member of the D.N.R., notwithstanding that he/she may be a member of other regions of the C.B.A.I.


3. The objectives of the D.N.R. of the C.B.A.I. are:

(i)    To encourage, promote and regulate the playing, advancement ,improvement and general interests of the game of Contract Bridge in the Dublin North Region.

(ii)    To promote, hold and regulate Contract Bridge matches, tournaments and other like competitions in the Dublin North Region and to foster sociable conditions at such competitions.


4. The Regional Committee shall consist of the Honorary President,  President Elect, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary  Secretary Honorary Treasurer (the Officers), the Outgoing President and six ordinary members of the D.N.R. as may be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the D.N.R. together subject to a maximum of 12 elected members.  No person shall concurrently hold two or more Officer positions. The Regional Committee of the D.N.R. may appoint two members of the Regional Committee as its County Development Officers (who must be different to the Honorary Secretary).  

5. The Regional Committee shall have power to appoint a substitute from among the members of the D.N.R. for any Officer of the Regional Committee who shall resign or be unable to act during his/her term of office. 

6. All the powers of the D.N.R. and the administration of its affairs including the control and power of disposition of its funds (save as hereinafter limited) shall be vested in and exercised by the Regional Committee.  

7. The Regional Committee will have such powers as are delegated to it by the Governing Council of the C.B.A.I. and in particular shall be responsible for the organisation and promotion of tournament play in the D.N.R. 


8. Any member of the Regional Committee may retire by giving three weeks notice to the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. and in any event shall retire at the end of each Annual General Meeting of the D.N.R. but shall be eligible for re-election at that meeting, save as hereinafter provided. An Officer who resigns his/her officer position during the year may remain on the Regional Committee.


9. A minimum of four (4) meetings of the Regional Committee shall be held each year. Not less than seven days notice either written, oral, texting or by  electronic mail shall be given by the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. to the members of the Regional Committee of every meeting , but in an emergency at the discretion of the Honorary President a meeting of the Regional Committee may be called on not less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. 


10. Club secretaries shall be invited to attend the Regional Committee meeting held prior to the A.G.M.


11. The Honorary President of the D.N.R. shall be the Chairperson of the Regional Committee and in his/her absence the President Elect of the D.N.R. shall act as Chairperson of the Regional Committee and in the absence of both from a meeting, the Regional Committee may elect a Chairperson from its members present at that meeting, to chair that meeting only. The quorum for a meeting of the Regional Committee shall be six members entitled to be present at such meeting. 

12. The Honorary Treasurer shall administer the funds of the D.N.R. and be responsible for keeping the financial accounts of the D.N.R. All withdrawals from the bank account(s) of the D.N.R. shall require the signature of two officers of the three officers of the D.N.R. authorised by the Regional Committee. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep the Regional Committee informed of the state of the finances of the D.N.R. at each meeting of the Regional Committee.


At each quarterly meeting the Honorary Treasurer will deliver a record of all transactions and a bank statement with which transactions have been reconciled.  Amended on 12th June, 2015


13. The Regional Committee shall appoint such sub committees as are deemed necessary. Such sub committees may include persons who are not members of the Regional Committee but the Chairperson of any such sub committee must be a member of the Regional  Committee. The Chairperson shall furnish a report of the findings of the sub committee at the following Regional Committee meeting. 

14. The Regional Committee shall fix entry fees and prizes for Championships and Competitions as it may see fit and may stipulate that competitors shall jointly and/or severally hold a certain number of registered master points to compete in said Championships and Competitions. 

15. The Regional  Committee reserve the right to invite occasionally non committee members to attend a meeting of the D.N.R.


16. The Regional Committee may at it’s discretion from time to time appoint any person, who in its opinion has been of outstanding service to the D.N.R. to be President Emeritus of the D.N.R. A President Emeritus shall continue in office for life or until they resign or be removed from office by a Special resolution of the Regional Committee.

A President Emeritus shall be entitled to attend all Regional Committee Meetings but shall not have any vote. 


17. The Annual General Meeting of the D.N.R. (hereinafter referred to as the A.G.M.) shall be at a venue in the D.N.R. in the month of May or June of each year. At least four (4) weeks notice in writing will be given by the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. of the date of the A.G.M. to the Honorary Secretary of each affiliated club of the D.N.R. 

18. The Chair at the A.G.M. shall be taken by the Honorary President elected at the last preceding A.G.M. (or Special General Meeting where appropriate) or where necessary by the President Elect for the forthcoming year and he/she  shall retain the Chair at that meeting to its conclusion. In the absence of the Honorary President, and President Elect  the A.G.M. will elect a Chairperson for the meeting. 

19. All members of affiliated clubs in the D.N.R. shall be entitled to attend and speak at the A.G.M. The quorum for an A.G.M. shall be twelve (12) members entitled
to vote at such meeting. 

20. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be transacted as follows:- 

(i) The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (and Special General Meeting if any) shall be read and approved (with amendments if necessary). 
(ii) The Honorary Secretary shall present his/her annual report for the preceding year. 
(iii) The Honorary Treasurer shall present a statement of Income and Expenditure for the preceding financial year and a balance sheet as at 30th April of preceding financial year certified by the Honorary Auditor for adoption. 
(iv) The meeting shall then proceed  to elect a President ,President Elect, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer for the following year. The President Elect shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the A.G.M. and their term of office shall terminate at the conclusion of the next A.G.M. This procedure shall be followed in each succeeding year to the intent and effect that the President Elect for one year shall become the president for the following year. There will be an election to select six committee members from the nominations received.
(v) The A.G.M. shall elect an Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Assistant Secretary.
(vi) The A.G.M. shall elect an Honorary Auditor. 
(vii) The A.G.M. shall discuss and vote on all motions moved by affiliated clubs and/or members of the D.N.R. 
(viii) The A.G.M. shall be informed of appointments and motions that will be proposed at the next Annual General Meeting of the C.B.A.I.  
(ix) The A.G.M. shall appoint the Honorary President, the Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, County Development Officers plus the appropriate number of members of the D.N.R. as specified by the C.B.A.I. as Council members of the Governing Council of the C.B.A.I. 
(x) The A.G.M. shall appoint the Honorary President, the Honorary Secretary plus the appropriate number of members of the D.N.R. as specified by the C.B.A.I. as delegates to the Annual General Meeting of the C.B.A.I. 

(xi) The A.G.M. shall then proceed to any other business.



(i) Each affiliated club in the D.N.R. shall be invited in rotation by the Regional Committee to nominate a President Elect.

(ii) No person shall be nominated to serve more than two successive terms as Honorary President of the D.N.R. 
(iii) No person shall be nominated to serve as Honorary President or President Elect of the D.N.R. until two years have elapsed since the termination of his/her previous term of office as Honorary President. 
(iv) No person shall be nominated to serve as Honorary Secretary for more than five consecutive years. 
(v) No person shall be nominated to serve as Honorary Treasurer for more than five consecutive years. 
(vi) Nominations for the positions of Honorary President Elect, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary not less than fourteen (14) days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting. Such proposals must be signed by the proposer, seconder and the nominee. If there are no nominations received for any of the Officer positions up to fourteen (14) days before the A.G.M., then the Regional Committee may propose persons from the membership of the D.N.R. to fill that position. 
(vii) In the event of the resignation or incapacity of the Honorary President during his/her term of office, then the President Elect shall act as President, and in the event of the President Elect also resigning or being unable to act as President, then the Regional Committee may at its absolute discretion nominate one of its members to act as President until the conclusion of the following A.G.M. In the event of the resignation or incapacity of President Elect, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer, the Regional Committee may at its absolute discretion nominate one of its members to the vacant post. 
(viii) Nominations for ordinary members of the Regional Committee of the D.N.R., may be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. or from the floor of the A.G.M.

(ix) Nominations to the Governing Council of the CBAI should be as specified by the CBAI to include the Honorary President, Honorary Secretary, two (2) Development Officers. If additional nominations are required they may be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. or from the floor of the A.G.M.

(x) Nominations as Delegates to the A.G.M of the CBAI should be as specified by the CBAI. and they may be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. or from the floor of the A.G.M.

(xi) The members of D.N.R. appointed as Council members of the Governing Council of the C.B.A.I. and to the Annual General Meeting of the C.B.A.I. may be mandated by the A.G.M. to vote in a particular way in respect of any appointments and/or motions on the agenda at those meetings of the C.B.A.I.


22. Any affiliated club of the D.N.R. may submit a resolution to the A.G.M. by submitting same in writing signed by the Honorary Secretary of the club, the proposer and seconder of the resolution. Resolution to be received by the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. 21 days preceding the AGM.

Any member of the DNR may submit a resolution to the A.G.M. by submitting same in writing signed by himself/herself and one other member of the D.N.R. to the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. 21 days preceding the date of the A.G.M.


23 A Special General Meeting of the D.N.R. (hereinafter referred to as a S.G.M.) must be summoned by the Regional Committee or by the Honorary Secretary on a requisition in writing signed by the Honorary President or the Honorary Secretary of each of any four (4) affiliated clubs in the D.N.R. or by the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. on a requisition in writing signed by seventy-five (75) members of the D.N.R. At least fourteen (14) days notice in writing of the date, time and place of the S.G.M. shall be given by the Honorary Secretary of the D.N.R. to the Honorary Secretary of each affiliated club in the D.N.R. Any such requisition as aforesaid and the notice convening a S.G.M. shall set out the terms of any resolution to be proposed. No other business shall be transacted at a S.G.M. other than that for which it has been convened. 

24. The Chair at any S.G.M. shall be taken by the Honorary President of the D.N.R. and in his/her absence by the President Elect of the D.N.R. and in the absence of both from the meeting, the Special General Meeting may elect a Chairperson from its members present at that meeting. 

25. All members of affiliated clubs in the D.N.R. shall be entitled to attend at and speak at a S.G.M. The quorum for a S.G.M. shall be twelve (12) delegates entitled to be present at such a meeting.


26. Voting at the A.G.M. and S.G.M. shall be by delegates duly appointed by the affiliated clubs of the D.N.R. and by members of the Regional Committee of the D.N.R. except where hereinafter provided. Each club shall be entitled to one delegate. Any affiliated club having more than one hundred affiliated members shall be entitled to one additional delegate for each additional 100, or part thereof, affiliated members. Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote only. In order to be eligible to vote, each delegate must be present at the meeting and must produce to the Honorary Secretary a note of his/her appointment as delegate signed by the Honorary Secretary of the affiliated club in the D.N.R. that he/she represents. 

27. If there are three or more candidates nominated for any of the Officer positions, voting will be by proportional representation. If no one candidate has achieved more than 50% of the total valid poll, the candidate with the lowest vote is eliminated and a new vote is taken. This process will continue until a candidate has achieved more than 50% of the total valid poll or until two candidates remain in which case the candidate with the higher vote is elected.

28. If there are more than six candidates for the positions of ordinary members of the Regional Committee of the D.N.R., each delegate or delegates of the affiliated clubs of the D.N.R. and each member of the Regional Committee present at the A.G.M. may cast up to six votes. The six candidates with the highest votes are elected.

29. Resolutions and motions at all meetings of the D.N.R., but excluding resolutions to alter the constitution of the D.N.R., shall be passed by a simple majority of the votes entitled to be cast at that meeting. In the event of equality of voting at Regional meetings and Annual General Meetings, the Chairperson (or Acting Chairperson) of that meeting shall have a casting vote but there shall be no second or casting vote on any resolution proposed at a Special General Meeting. 

30. Voting on motions and resolutions at all meetings of the D.N.R. shall be by show of hands but by a written poll if such a poll is requested by a delegate entitled to vote at that meeting and the Chairperson deems it necessary that such a poll be taken. 

31. Voting at Regional Committee meetings shall be by members duly appointed to those committees and present at the meeting.


32. The Honorary Secretary shall cause minutes to be kept of Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings. Copies of such minutes shall be sent/posted to the Honorary Secretary of all affiliated clubs in the D.N.R. within one month of the date that the meeting took place. Copies of such minutes shall be available to the Honorary Secretary of any affiliated club in the D.N.R. on application within two (2) years of the date that the meeting for which the minutes are required took place.  

33. The Honorary Secretary shall cause minutes to be kept of all Regional Committee meetings and copies of such minutes shall be made available to the Honorary Secretary of any affiliated club in the D.N.R upon request in writing received within twelve (12) months of the date on which the meeting for which the minutes are requested took place.


34. The affiliation fee payable directly to the C.B.A.I. by each affiliated club in the D.N.R. shall be such fee as set from time to time by the Governing Council of the C.B.A.I. Failure to pay its affiliation fees and to supply a complete list of its members before the appointed date may result in the automatic suspension of the club concerned  and its members from participating in the activities of the D.N.R. and all rights of the club and its members to take part in regional tournaments and competitions.  

35. Only persons on the registered list of a club will be recognised as members entitled to participate in Regional competitions and to attend meetings of the D.N.R. A club must forward additional lists of registered members that joined the club after the original list has been sent to the C.B.A.I. The additional list shall be accompanied by the additional affiliation fee, if any. A member of an affiliated club in the D.N.R. whose name and fee is forwarded for registration after the 31st December shall be entitled to participate in subsequent competitions and tournaments as a registered member.


36. Any Alteration to this Constitution may only be made by a Resolution duly submitted to the Honorary Secretary of the Regional Committee in writing at least 21 days before the date of the A.G.M. or 14 days in the case of a S.G.M. All such resolutions can only be accepted if they are proposed and seconded by members of the D.N.R.

Any such resolution shall be passed only if the resolution receives at least two-thirds of the votes cast by the delegates present at that meeting. Any such resolution passed shall be in force at the conclusion of that meeting


37. The paragraph headings and paragraph numbers are for assistance only and shall not form part of the constitution.